Character building for fun and profit.

The first character for the Sandbox O Doom™ has been created. He is a sneaky con artist dex monkey type with a pimped out sword cane.

I am having the players roll for stats and this player in particular rolled exceedingly well. I think his lowest stat is a 9 and the rest float between 14 and 17. The 9 went to wisdom btw, which fits for the smarmy, naturaly talented con artist type he is going to play. Should be interesting seeing him try to fast talk his way out of a pack of Ghouls.

He resisted the urge to purchase a goat during his initial equipment run. Don’t ask…

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The end of the line

So the 4E group has decided that in lieu of finishing out the adventure they were on that they were good with just calling it so that we could get rolling on the Sandbox O DOOOOOM.  “Your adventuring party has died of Dysentary.” Yes, that’s an Oregon Trail reference.

I’m fine with that, the wrapup was really only going to be one or two short combat encoutners with a big boss battle + puzzle at the end and it makes it so that I dont have to split my attention on developing content for 2 games. Yay!

I have a sketch of the monster they were about to fight, I’ll scan it in this weekend and get it up on my Deviantart page. Spriggan Giantsoul with Gauntlets of Ogre Power, wuddup.

Sandbox planning is moving forward, the core group is thinking of character concepts and I’m building monsters.

Someone REALLY needs to rock together a functional NPC builder for Fantasy Craft. The web based + calculation app combo that exists is functional, and thats about it. Making baddies is giving me all kinds of ideas for encounters and killy things for the players to find.

I’m incredbly geeked out to run this thing, hopefully it lives up to my expectations in at least a small way.

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Encounter and Worldbuilding

I’m working on the final few encounters for my 4E game while listening to Gangster’s Paradise and drinking Earl Grey tea… My players are FUCKED.

Also been grinding on fleshing out settings for the sandbox game. I think I’m about at a point where I can stop. I really need to work on encounter tables for the various regions. It’s going to be a bit of work to hammer Fantasy Craft threat levels and such into static encounters, but It’s much more do-able than trying the same thing with 4E.

I think…

Oh, also making much use of the Meatshield Generator for MINIONS!!! for the adventuring parties, should they so desire.

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The End Times.

I totally typed “The End Tims” the first time I wrote that subject line, now I’m thinking what the Four Horsemen would be like if they were all named Tim… Anyhow.

I started a 4E game back home in the states before moving here to Wellington, only got like 3-4 sessions in but I created a pretty large amount of campaign setting. It’s roughly based on various other campaign worlds I have used over the years. Obsidian Portal rocks for organization, and it has been a godsend to me as I am absolutely horrible at it generally when I run games.

When I got here some of the guys at work were just starting to get into DnD so I ended up running a game. I kept them in the same setting as the previous group, only with less homebrew stuff as I wanted their early experiences with the system to have the structure intended by the designers. For example, there are 2 divine characters in the NZ group, in the original setting from the game back home there were no gods in the world that made their presence known/felt, thus no Divine characters, also no Halflings, Dragonborn or Tieflings, at least not as playable races.

The 4E group has been going well, in spite of a several month layoff due to crunch time on our current project. We are wrapping that up soon and I think the group is looking forward to playing again, I know I am.

Just sat down tonight and rocked out a super neat environment with some dungeon tiles for their final battle, they have 2-3 encounters left in this story arc and then I think I will call a stopping point so that we can move on and get rolling with the sandbox game. Maybe one of the players will end up running some 4E, I wouldn’t mind playing a bit for a change. Pushing minis around is fun.

Need some supplies from the nerd store, then I’ll set up the environment and take some pics. I’m pretty geeked out to write the last few encounters up and run them.

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Starting areas complete!

Or at least as complete as I think I need them until I get the players together, generate characters and the first group settles on a “flight plan”.

Ended up with 20 or so rumors and legends which may or may not be true to varying degrees and 5 very specific go here, do this type of quest hooks that are available from various people around the settlement. I figure that ought to be more than enough to get the players out there and looking around.

I’m really excited to play with the reputation and reknown systems in Fantasy Craft. I dig the concept and hopefully they will work as well as I see them playing out in my head. Also considering awarding extra action dice for players who write up adventure logs, dont know how much that would imbalance the game though, may wait on that a bit.

Still probably a month or so off, but I’m pretty excited about running. The recruitment drive shall begin soon, oh yes, it shall.

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And so it begins…

So, a few months ago I stumbled across Ben Robbins West Marches stuff (yeah I know, Im a little late to the party). It reminded me of how much I missed that style of gaming, so I set out to build a sandbox with which to torture friends and co-workers.

After a few weeks of trying to grok how to do random encounters in 4E I gave up. In fact I think 4E books burst into flames if you say the words “random encounter” near them.

Anyhow… I found a copy of Fantasy Craft at the local used bookstore and I gotta say, its pretty awesome. I have never been a huge fan of D20, but the FC rules fix most of my problems with the D20 “game engine”.

So I’m shifting to developing the sandbox for use with FC, should be fun, I have a group of players who are mostly very inexperienced in terms of tabletop gaming, so it’s going to be interesting finding the balance of how to keep them from stumbling into nasty encounters and still keeping the feeling of a real living world.

To get them going I have started writing a set of quests from the “quest board” in town, as well as a handful of rumors and town chatter that may or may not be true. All of this is intended to do a few things.

1 – Make it clear that the adventure is “out there”.
2 – Give the new players an excuse to go explore.
3 – I like writing up quest hook type things and this entertains me…

So with all that said, an example of one of the “hooks” that will be available to the players when I start the game. I think I’ll be sprinkling these into the game here and there when players need motivating to go do stuff, and will likely base their availability on the rep system in FC. At least that’s my current plan, everyone’s got a plan until they get hit.

Note, the basic premise of this is blatantly ripped from a discussion on enworld, so credit to whoever’s post it was, I forget now and I’m too lazy to go back and look. 🙂

Delvers Wanted

A missive is tacked to the wall of several buildings around the settlement.

“Local cave-clearing missions for the adventurous and brave. Treasure and glory await!  Local explorers with better things to do have provided 10 days rations and one donkey with supplies for the brave at heart… Will take only 25% commission on treasure recovered.

Interested persons should contact Argan in the taproom of the Morning Star Inn.”

The person posting the messages is a local drunkard, however he claims to have a map to a cavern that holds a great treasure. Not being an adventurer himself he has no desire to brave the wilds beyond the Borderlands, but he will provide any interested parties with the location of the cave for the promise that he will receive 25% of any treasure that the group returns with. He will insist that any adventurers accepting his offer take an oath with the local magistrate as a witness.

Noone knows where he acquired the donkey…

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