Heading to an actual for realsies Tournament in June (ew competitive play). Not terribly excited about competitive format in general as I know Wolves are basically tied for the bottom of the barrel along with Grey Knights so far this edition and I largely refuse to run a “soup” army. All that said, I dont expect to show well win wise, BUT my army is going to look dope as fuuuuuuck.
First 3 of the 5 Characters for the list. Gotta get that “Company of Heroes” thing goin.
Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Jump Pack and Black Death
Rune Priest on Jump Pack with Rune Axe
Wolf Priest on Jump Pack with… er… decapitated Daemonette?
Grey Hunter Pack2
Grey Hunter Pack3
Wolf Scouts & Wolf Guard Scout Packleader
Wolf Guard Battle Leader & Wolf Guard Murdercycle Squads. All dat wolfdakka!
Inquisitor Munin (Grefax Countsas)